sonder spring 1711

A time for change

from Rionnach
4 years old
Cedar & Juniper
Calder Coax

It was early morning, the sun not yet risen and yet the college was bustling with activity. He saw many faces he didn't recognize, and some he did. It was a cacophony that was once on the forefront of his mind, and yet now only a background noise. It was easy for him to fall into a monotonous routine after acclimating, to forget about the activity around him. Now that the adjustment was over, he wanted some form of change. Needed it, if his progress within the classroom was indication of anything.

The challenge was in the routine. Calder found himself struggling to focus, his mind forced to wander during assignments if he was to stay awake. He'd been caught off guard more than once from atypical questions of material he couldn't recall being taught during the actual class, and he'd been reprimanded a time or two. That had been addressed almost immediately, however, as studious as he was, it didn't put him ahead. Kaeya and his father's had helped tremendously in that regard, at least for the studies that Calder found the most difficult to grasp. It was a nice change to what was otherwise a mundane day.

Yet, he still desired for more.

After his classes that day, he decided to travel away from the college for a bit. All places around the college were places he knew, yet time had turned them all foreign. The roads he couldn't quite recall, the trees seemed to grow from different places. Old dilapidated buildings seemed to have either fallen in further disrepair or somehow gained portions. His memory was foggy, and he wondered how he had retained so little of what was once his home.

Within the redwood, he sat and breathed in the forest around him. It was a familiar tale with a look he didn't recognize. The same red remained, but the placement of it all seemed off. Was there once a little den he had traveled to with friends? An old animal path he recalled that was often traveled? He found neither when searching for them, so Calder stopped when the day turned to evening and sat within a small glade. He did not move for some time, glad to take in the momentary respite.

03-22-2024, 03:50 PM


from Rionnach
3 years old
War had ripped apart the world in ways that Calla never would have even considered. It was sad, really. She had played her part in making sure the crown's side was taken care of, and when she could - she helped those they had also harmed. It was a lot of hard work. She had spent her day organizing her tools that she needed to help the others. Medicines, bandages, and salves all recorded and ordered in the way she would remember where they were. She helped a few patients that came to see her, assessing their wounds and giving either information or additional needed treatment. It had been a long day, and she knew she would need some rest. Maybe a nice walk in the forest would be nice?

She wandered through the darkened area, her eyes looking around as she moved between trees and large rocks. She picked up the scent of a wolf she did not know - not that she knew every single wolf in Rionnach. But she followed after him, knowing it was safer to wander the streets now. She had come face to face with danger. He didn't hurt her and now she felt as though she was safe from everything that might be dangerous. It was an odd feeling, and maybe it was foolish to feel that way? Calla walked until she saw the figure and she slowed her pace. He was dark, or maybe it was just the night making him look darker than he was? She was not so sure. As she got closer towards him, she spoke softly - hoping not to startle him. “Hello,” she said with a smile.

“Right before your eyes...”


03-29-2024, 05:55 PM

from Rionnach
4 years old
Cedar & Juniper
Calder Coax
Calder hadn't realized he had company until a soft voice had called out to him. It was a simple greeting, and yet surprise marred his reaction, turning a simple greeting into something more dramatic. He turned to face her, eyes wide and ears tucked back- though it was more submissive than aggressive. He frowned, his thought only momentarily on his own image and about how foolish he looked. He offered an apologetic smile, though it did nothing to ebb his growing embarrassment, at this point. Calder stood, and tried to recover himself. He thought it best to be on the same level as her.

"Sorry, uh..", he started, but hesitated as he tried to find the words. Would a simply greeting do at this point? "I didn't realize there was anyone here, I'm sorry." His head dipped, eyes gazing over the person who had a approached him. Nothing about her indicated any hostilities- not her tone, her approach, or her stature. She was about the same size as him, with coat of smoke and ash and black lining her cheeks. Calder didn't recognize her, so either she wasn't from the college or just hadn't encountered her before.

"Are you from the college, or?" He inquired, though he wasn't sure what her purpose was here, he figured he'd try to sweep aside the first few seconds of their encounter behind genuine curiosity. There was appreciation that someone took the time to acknowledge him, and he did his best to look as open and approachable. His attention in its entirety was focused on her now.
04-10-2024, 07:31 PM


from Rionnach
3 years old
The other seemed to be a rather kind male. Her smile stayed. “You need not apologize to me, sir...” She said with a soft and friendly voice. Her eyes looked over him, trying to assess if he had any wounds or anything that needed tending to right away. As she looked over him, it seemed anything on the exterior was alright. “You say sorry far too much,” she teased gently. The male standing before her was mostly dark, but she thought it was cute to see his little white socks on his paws. He also had a large portion of white on his chest. There were some sort hints of brown tattered in various parts of his coat. He was handsome. But the most stunning feature was his eyes. The way they contrasted the rest of him was something to be aware of. She could get lost in a pair of eyes like that. “Unfortunately, no. I chose a different path for my life... Sometimes I am glad I did, but other times it is hard not to think of how things could have been...” She didn't want to ruin this encounter with a potential new friend, so she lifted her eyes to meet his gaze and gave a soft smile. “Were you a student here?” From looking at all of the devastation, she wondered why any would come back here.

“Right before your eyes...”


05-04-2024, 02:10 PM
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