sonder spring 1711

Welcome Home

from Rionnach
1 years old

It was rare for Sheik to travel this far from home, especially alone, but today she felt bolder than usual. She trekked through the snowy forest, the bare branches around her reaching out like gloomy claws eager to scratch and scrape against her. She shivered at the eeriness of it but eventually she came to a place where the snow thinned out and the canopy cleared so that she could see the sun peeking through the clouds in the sky. It was peaceful out here, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. She could see why her mother and father might want to visit a place like this but... to live out in the wilds? She just didn't get it. The city and the manse provided all that she needed and she couldn't fathom wanting for anything there.

Maybe that was selfish of her but she also didn't want to leave her family behind, either. A sigh left her and she peered around the clearing, ears flicking and gaze flashing for any sign of danger. There was nothing. Except...

A soft mew sounded from the base of one of the trees and Sheik blinked, instantly curious. She moved towards the tree and the mewling grew louder and louder. Eventually it stopped but she'd pinpointed it well enough to find where it had been coming from. She scraped away some snow at the base of a large tree only to find a little black cat beneath the roots. It's bright yellow eyes peered up at her, wide and frightened, and she froze. A part of her screamed at her to chase but another part of her, the more civilized part, beckoned her to come closer to the little thing. She smiled softly and lowered her muzzle to the cat, her tail wagging even as it hissed and swiped at her.

"Don't worry little one, I won't bite!" she promised. The creature seemed to somehow understand her and began to relax once it realized Sheik meant it no harm.

The girl smiled and looked at her new companion, wondering if she'd be willing to follow her all the way back home. She looked skinny and hungry, maybe if Sheik offered her something to eat she'd be more interested. "Do you wanna be my friend?" she asked gently. The small cat crept out of its hole and looked around before brushing its body against her legs and beginning to make a soft purring noise. She smiled and giggled at the touch, it tickled a little bit! "Okay... what should I call you?" she asked thoughtfully. The cat mewed up at her as if in answer. "How about... Lucille!" she said. The cat did not seem to object and so her name was then cemented.

Sheik looked around the clearing and then pursed her lips. She knew the way home, but wasn't quite ready to go yet...
03-14-2024, 05:49 PM

from Rionnach
4 years old
Cedar & Juniper
You're in our talons now

Calder often found himself within the Redwood after his studies. The vast and colorful canopy provided the peace and solitude he needed in a time of fast-paced learning. Truthfully, he struggled to keep up with it. At least here, there was hardly reason to worry. He shed the thoughts like shedding his winter coat. There were times he was meant to focus, and times where he was allowed the mental reprieve.

He followed his usual path through the forest- an easily recognizable game trail. There were recent prints of wildlife along it, but he ignored it knowing he was not on the hunt. The only attention he'd provide was to the evidence of other predators, to which none of the prints suggested. His mind relaxed and his attention grew dismissive- until he happened upon a new set of prints. Accompanying the sight was a fresh scent of herbs, and quickly enough he chanced upon the stranger. This was the individual he could attribute the prints to- a woman of earthen hues, mostly light and cream-like. Her eyes were like the summer sky, a pale blue.

"How about... Lucille!" Her voice called out, throwing attention to the cat near the stranger's feet.

"Hello," he greeted, dipping his head politely. Calder hesitated where the cat was concerned, he didn't yet know what to think of the creatures, much less the one there. His eyes flickered over the cat, Lucille, for a moment before he gave the other his full attention. "I didn't think there was anyone else on the trail," he commented, "Did you two just meet?" He asked carefully, unsure if his line of questioning would be seen as intrusive. What dialogue he did overhear was pointed to his assumption, though he supposed it was possible she had the cat for a short time and hadn't yet named her. It wasn't his business either way, but it did open up the door to a casual conversation, if she was open for it.

and we're never letting go
04-11-2024, 05:50 PM

from Rionnach
1 years old

Just as she was about to turn her attention back to Lucielle, she noticed a stranger approaching. His deep voice caught her attention swiftly and her hackles rose on instinct and out of fear. She was alone - save Lucille - with a man she did not know. This was how Haskell has gotten hurt and now she might face the same fate, or worse. Sheik stared at him for a moment until he spoke again, it was a simple question and yet it made her nervous. Well, the question didn't but he did. She nodded her head almost mechanically and then tried her best to swallow the lump in her throat. Not everyone is evil. her sister had told her.

She decided not to run, despite the anxiety she felt in her legs to do so, and entertain him at least for the moment. If he proved dangerous she would... do something. She hadn't learned anything from her mother yet, but she at least she could probably out run him. She was small and slender and he was quite large. An ear flicked atop her head and she she blinked, then glanced down at the cat which remained by her paws. It didn't seem upset at all and for some reason that helped.

She returned her gaze to the nameless man and offered the smallest of smiles. "Uhm, yes. I just found her. She seems to like me... is she yours?" she asked a little hesitantly. She didn't want Lucille to belong to this man -- she wanted to take her home herself.
04-26-2024, 11:29 AM
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