sonder spring 1711

Adeline Verlice

primary character • played by Lunar
102 posts 540 points
Spring 1706
5 years old
College of Eòlas
A woman blanketed in luxurious burgundy hues, each hair perfectly tidy and pristine without a single overworked muscle in her body. Her eyes a brilliant chartreuse that are captivating as much as they can pointed, a predator within a dainty frame. She trots with a sensual sway to her step, a rock to her curvy hips to direct an eye to her, making the lighter caramel shades of her pelt look as though they are always caught by an elegant breeze perfectly sweeping it into her favor.
fur palette
eye colour
Rose and Scotch
If lawful evil had a face, Adeline would be its mascot. Quite literally using the law to achieve everything and anything she wants, never actually caring if her clients win unless she wants them to. The legal system is a game to her, and she is more than happy to puppet her way to her own personal goals. Be it keeping a murderer away from the death penalty just to see if they might do it again or to ensure an innocent Highlander gets that penalty instead. Her racism for the North knowing no bounds.

Money sings and her own sinful pleasures are the only things that have mattered to her, vanity a close second.

Her tongue is harsh especially when tipsy, having not much of a filter except in the college, courtroom or in front of her parents, often leading her to say rather sassy or vulgar things just to see an amusing reaction. Commoners are more common target of her unkind tongue, finding them below her in every possible way and much better used for servants and labor; barely seeing them as living beings. Unless, of course, they have money to silence her tongue. She's more than happy to take, take and take some more and she holds no shame in walking all over everyone when given the chance. Other nobles may get a kinder disposition, but it's often coated in falsity to seem much nicer than she is. This goes for keeping up a public image to some degree and to keep work she actually does want to do in reach.

She is loud and not afraid to castrate someone if they get on her bad side, only caring about herself and no one else.
Lawful Evil
Control, Alcohol, Chaos
Her Family, Non-Nobles
Generational trauma runs deep in her family roots of scholars and legal fanatic nobles, wrapping them up and giving them no childhood or affection. This was no different for a baby Adeline: born to a sharp tongued and unloving mother that only cared about what her daughter could do to move the family forward and a father that had no time for her, both always working and leaving her with books and teachers even before her foot could touch the college. Their wealth was substantial and luxury vast, it often left the child not understanding why she had to do anything at all when she could just rot in the luxury blanket composed for her since birth but to question her mother was to meet the back of a hand.

This was learned quickly: never question mummy dearest’s choices. A lesson she holds onto well past her youth.

She would be shoved into the college the moment it was legal for her to attend, not particularly enjoying any of the subjects she partook in and therefore her grades were not perfect out of boredom and lack of focus. Had she applied herself she might have been able to be the head of the class instead of just one of the top students, but she found it beneath her to have to attend in the first place. Her mother should be happy she was passing with solid A's across the board, putting any ounce of effort in.

Debate club was about the only thing that piqued her interests, more than happy to roleplay each aspect of the court from the plaintiff to the bailiff to the judge herself, though she would find only really a lawyer just like her mother was an occupation she could actually achieve within the courtroom. At first it wasn’t all that exciting, but the competitive part would draw her to a burning passion between debates, even if it was for the completely wrong side sometimes.

By the time she graduated, she didn’t actually want to pick up any job, still very much the one that wanted to live off of blueblood money but she would pick up cases here and there to appease her mother and keep the money flow at her fingertips. She’d start to make a game of it when she realized the power she actually had as a lawyer, what kind of lives she could make better or ruin entirely, especially toward that of Highlanders, the scum of Rionnach. She quickly became known as a poor lawyer, losing more cases than winning but what no one seems to notice is half of those were on purpose for her own amusement. The protests only added to this debauchery of her role, happily putting these rioters into worse situations instead of aiding them at all for those that could even afford her.

In Spring of 1710, she would learn of an arranged marriage she was to be set up in and soon after, she would be passed onto Kenzo Verlice as his new wife and so the story begins after a rocky wedding of booze and cold sheets…
Penelope Serenity x Lawerence Ludwig
Kenzo Verlice
Aunt: Wisteria Serenity
Verlice Family via marriage


