sonder spring 1711

Azrael Killgain

tertiary character • played by Stone
26 posts 0 points
Spring 1706
4 years old
Thieves' Guild
Chlach Leader
Tir Na Nog
Deceased as of Autumn, 1710
Azrael is a large and intimidating figure with bright blue eyes that look like they came straight from the sea. A usual grimace is his natural demeanor, often using it when he is not trying to talk himself into a bad decision or potential danger. The majority of his coat is a slate grey color, spanning from his head down his spine and flowing down his front legs. There are white parts of his form that appear on his cheeks and muzzle, down his throat and to the stomach, and covering most of his back legs, as well as the tail. One of the very notable features would be the dark blue color that accents his form all over. It goes from his high cheekbones to his ears, covers his front paws, his sides, and the hind legs on the outer portion. He has a very noticeable scar on the right side of his eye. This is a very old scar, and when it was made, it cut very deep. He almost lost his eye from it, but it still has proper function. Now he is left with a memory that will never fade away - a reminder of why he is the way that he is.
fur palette
eye colour
Extra Large
It is often hard to tell what Azrael you are going to get from a day to day basis. He is easy to fall to the darker side of the line, not really considering the consequences for doing so. He likes to stick to the darker themes in life, as they are far more fun. When it comes to an issue, he is ready to take it head on. he does not shy away from confrontations, in fact, he embraces them. There is nothing that he fears in his life. Not even death itself. He does have a tendency to fight first, ask questions later.

He is passionate for the things and people he cares about. He will protect anyone he feels should have protection. He has very large walls that he has built over his heart for many years. It will be hard to break them down. He is open to others, speaking to them and trying to see what he could get out of their friendship or greater. He does, however, like to find trouble. If there is an issue with another group or just a wolf outside of their home, he will try and push them in the direction of a fight.

Around those he cares about, he is considerate and finds that communication is key. If there are issues, he wants to discuss them openly with all parties. Azrael is a tactician. He has some good war tactics that he learned as a pup, and pushes them into almost every aspect of his life. Divide and conquer is a major thing he lives by. He uses it in hunting, killing, and whatever other troubles he can find himself in the middle of.

One defining thing about him is his disdain for females. He only sees them as playthings, not as equals and enjoys his time spent doing what he wants to do. Never will a female ever be in his group as an equal, and he really does not understand why others in his group do not agree with him. He is also protective. When he finds a toy, he wants to keep it for himself, making sure that the toy stays to himself. He might share once or twice with a friend, but in the end all parties involved should know who the toy's master is.

Chaotic Evil
violence, blood, stealing
females, drama, babies
attracted to
Blood means nothing in a wolf eat wolf world. This story does not come from one of joy or love. It comes from hatred and desire. There is a thirst for power that can be so strong, it will make you turn on anyone who stands in your way. He was known as "The Reaper" by the small villages. He was a rogue, a loner, a rebel who seemed to have no rhyme or reason for the terrible acts he did. At least, they thought him to be a loner, in fact, he had bands of males waiting for his call to descend upon the little towns and take what they could want. Reaper not only reaped wealth, but lives as well. It was a game to him, to play God. "Kill before you get killed", was his motto he got from his father.

The Reaper was growing older, and he knew that he would need to start making an heir, someone he could give all of this to. He didn't have a mate, he never would "settle", so he had a devious plot. He went through the little town in the daylight, alone. He looked for the biggest and most beautiful female he could find. When he set his eyes upon the target, he followed her, learning where she lived. That night, he rallied his men, and told them of his plan. That he would be taking the female alive and by force. They could have whatever they wanted from the little town. When darkness fell over the land, Reaper reaped. He followed the path he had watched her take to her home, four other large male wolves were with him. Breaking down their home, he moved in and stole the girl. Her family tried to fight for her, but it was no use. He threatened to kill her if they continued on, so they stopped trying.

This was not the only female in their group now, there were others who had become prisoners as well. Only Jail would have been a better service to them. That following spring, the female gave birth to a son and two daughters. In his anger, he killed the female pups as soon as he knew they were not males. Females were useless to him and his cause. He named the boy Azrael, not giving the mother a say in the matter. When the pup was weaned from her, he too killed her, for fear that she would only continue to produce female spawn. Reaper and his band of monsters, taught the boy everything he knew. They tortured him, trained him, abused him. But Azrael did not give up. When he was nearing the first year of his life, it was determined that the living male pups would be put up against each other in a bloody battle royale event. The top three that still stood would deserve to breathe another day.

Azrael entered the bloodbath and came out victorious, along with two other male pups. All the others who did not make it were quickly forgotten. And this was the continuing trend in their band of demons. Azrael was nearing his second birthday, and he was starting to receive favor from some of the higher ups in the group - not from Reaper though. They knew he was going to big and very strong, and they made many jokes about all the lives he would take just for the fun of it. But one wolf, a particular one who's own son was slaughtered by Azrael just a year before - was still holding onto the resentment of the boy. He attacked Azrael in a surprise attack, almost ripping his right eye to pieces. Azrael retaliated and killed the wolf that was trying to harm him. His father, who didn't see what had happened, assumed that Azrael had started the fight to try and start picking off the male wolves, thinking that he would try to come for the king himself. Reaper attacked his own son, going after the bleeding eye as a special target. It was a tough battle, and though Azrael never felt love from his father - this was entirely a different feeling he could not explain. As it turns out, others were starting to get tired of Reaper's rule and helped Azrael kill him. Covered in the blood of his father, the first attacker, and his own blood - Azrael discovered that this was not what his life was supposed to be. His own blood turned on him, and that was when he realized blood means nothing.

He left the group, not wishing to be apart of something his father started and wanted to make his own way. He met "Unclean Hands" and together they started their own pack of rogue males looking to do dastardly things to anyone anywhere they wished. He gave "Unclean Hands" the scar in a place of his choosing, to show that their bond of brotherhood was deeper than blood. Battle scars is what truly binds you. Being in the thick of the shit together, and never turning on the other.

Reaper & some womb (deceased)
Unnamed Sisters (deceased)


