sonder spring 1711

Obsidian Corrus

primary character • played by Stone
62 posts 65 points
Spring 1705
6 years old
Imperial Army
The vast majority of his coat is a soft white-silver color. There are dark patches that almost look like spirals on his coat, that range from a light grey to a near black color. The dark color seems to rest around his face and cheeks. But there are two distinct markings that outline his eyes. The black wraps around the most outer region of his ears as well. His ears are of average length and width. His coat is about average length for a wolf from the mainland. His eyes are are heterochromatic, the left eye is blue, from his mother and the right eye is a deep orange from his father.

[In the reference image, it shows elongated teeth, but he does not have them. His teeth are of usual length.]

fur palette
eye colour
salt water
Being a wolf of strong caliber, he is trustworthy to the core. Everything that comes out of his mouth is truthful. He has never told a lie in his life before and he does not plan to in the future. His word is very important to him, and he wants others to trust everything he says. He is very studious, trying to learn everything he can about his duties, the history of his family, and the hierarchy struggles. When it comes to fighting, he will only fight those who are a challenge to him, he does not overpower those weaker than him, as there is no honor in that.

When it comes to something he wants, he is very tenacious. He will not give up on something when he puts his mind to it. This helps him through his every day life, and gives him a sense of drive and purpose to see through to what he is doing, and trying to accomplish. There is a time when he can be seen as playful, and it is usually in the presence of a female, or multiple females. His charismatic ticks poke forward and he can do little to stop himself. He puts on thick layers of charm for the females, trying his best to impress them.

Lawful Good
food, fighting, fun
bugs, criminals, vermin
attracted to
Albus was a well known knight that worked in the royal guard for the crown itself. He was a determined young man, even into his twilight years. His duty was to the crown, crown and country before all things. When his father came to him, being the eldest of the male children, he was told he would need to be apart of an arranged marriage to gain an alliance among the family and to build the growth of the Imperial Army. He had faith in his family, and in their ability to know what was best, so Albus agreed and he actually did not see Hazel until the night of their union. The whole experience was nerve-wracking. But being that Albus was so stoic, none could see the anxiety beneath the surface of his perfect façade. Luckily, for him, Hazel was beautiful, and she was very intelligent, well read, and her manners were top tier. The two quickly fell paws over head in love with each other and started working on their family.

Hazel did have some troubles with pregnancy keeping and sticking all the way through. But finally, she gave birth to three young males: Obsidian, Coal, and Slate. It was determined from the first chance that Obsidian took his first breathe that he too would be set up for an arranged marriage, as he was the eldest. His father would find the future prospect and heard that the Winterfell family was actually looking for the same sort of deal. Albus and Hail spoke for a long time, trying to figure out if the pairing would work and their two houses could be aligned. Albus wanted Obsidian to join the Imperial Army first, serving his country to learn a sense of responsibility and duty.

So the two fathers would wait for the opportune time to try and set their children up. As Obsidian grew older, he was taught the average things a knight would be. He could hunt, fight, and even fish. He was studios and wanted to take every lesson to heart. His little brothers tried their best to beat him at literally anything possible, but he was always just naturally better. Obsidian was accepted into the Imperial Army nearing his second birthday. He was a large and formidable foe. He worked for many years, and still does. At the beginning of his fourth year of life, his mother gave birth to another litter, and her last: Opal, Onyx, and Ruby. Obsidian was proud to hear of the news, but he was so set in his path among the Imperial Army, that he did not come back home to see the little ones. He is too determined to stay with his duty and honor.

Albus Corrus & Hazel Corrus
Coal (brother), Slate (brother), Opal (sister), Onyx (brother), Ruby (sister)
Leoric Cain (cousin)


