sonder spring 1711
Freeman's Fortress
Inverness had once been much larger than it is now. On the northern banks of the river, there had once been a beautiful fortress with sturdy cinderblocks. After a horrific storm in 1687, the mortar holding those stones in place weakened irrepairably. A massacre ensued, crushing many wolves in the process—and out of fear of the same befalling them, the current wolves of Inverness live within the safer city center.

The old archways still stand and the twisting trees and tumbling stone make for a well-defended fortress. As a way of honoring his once proud Highlander ancestors, Jacob has made Freeman's Fortress his stronghold. Here, many clan leaders can be milling about the ruins and speaking in hushed voices. The air is strong with the scent of fires burning and meats roasting—thick with the whispers of rebellion.

We Tasted the Apple of Knowledge
by Raith, 04-16-2024, 10:02 PM

last post by Raith, 04-16-2024, 10:02 PM
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